Seek Ye First…Part 2

There are millions in this world who are craving pleasures,
of earthly things they can’t afford.
But none can match the wondrous treasure
That I have found in Jesus Christ my Lord.

One day I was driving into Manhattan from Connecticut and I was praying and asking God for something else I felt was needed to make my life fulfilled.  I had a whole hour and a half, just driving and talking to the Lord and LISTENING  (for a change).  The Lord began to show me that I was the problem.  Of course, my first response was – “Uh excuse me, I am saved, I pray, I go to church, I am good! What do you mean I am the problem?!?!”

Continue reading “Seek Ye First…Part 2”

My Journey with the Shepherd: Part 2 – Verse 2 & 3 – Safety in my Shepherd’s Arms!

Safe in His Arms – by Vicki Winans

Because the Lord is my shepherd, I have everything I need!

He lets me rest in the meadows grass And He leads me besides the quiet stream.

He restores my failing hands And helps me to do what honors him the most

That’s why I’m safe

I feel so safe

That’s why I’m safe

Safe in His arms

Continue reading “My Journey with the Shepherd: Part 2 – Verse 2 & 3 – Safety in my Shepherd’s Arms!”

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