Titus 2:3-5 speaks of the older women teaching the younger women about living lives that are pleasing to the Lord. This passage calls for the older women to be brave and courageous as they share their testimonies and life lessons. It also admonishes the younger women to be teachable and in humility glean, receive, and apply what they hear to their own lives.
Our beautiful THL Mama’s have started this series of Sister Chats to pour into us their wisdom and knowledge from their life’s experiences through the Ebbs and Flows of Life. Take a listen, be encouraged, and keep your eyes open for the next one coming soon!
What’s burdening you? What’s your passion? What is the need that you recognize in your life? THL has begun a new series of Sister Chats where we gather as often as we can to have a discussion as women to explore the Proverbs 31 woman. We will ask ourselves what would she do in this time and season and in turn gain insight on how to be good wives, mothers, serve our church community well in addition to how we impact society. Given the social climate we find ourselves in, we also thought it was a good conversation around our purpose in society and we invited these very special women to share their experiences and perspectives. Our hope is that all ladies come away with inspiration, encouragement to pursue, and courage to live into the calling and the burdens that God has gifted you with. We hope you walk away inspired and challenged as you listen to these women share and discuss their life’s experiences. We pray that God brings things to light what He is doing in your own life. We by no means are saying that God is calling you to mirror any of these ladies but we are hoping that through their testimonies, they are laying groundwork and foundation for us to build on and be inspired by.
How are you, like Paul, striving to find contentment in whatever state you are in? How do you find contentment in who you are in God? In this Sister Chat, our THL Mamas offer their testimonies and practical advice as women discuss finding contentment in all seasons of life: – Mundane (i.e. how have you spiced up the mundane) – Trials and Tribulations – Change/Transition – Perplexity/Confusion/Unknown Based on today’s discussion, we challenge you to explore and meditate on the following questions: – How will you press toward contentment in who you are in God? – Where do you aspire to go?