My Journey with the Shepherd

Psalm 23 has been on my heart and mind for a good part of the year.  It has now become a life verse for me…really?!?! At 36 years old, Psalm 23 is just now becoming a life verse for you?!?!?  It’s one of the first memory verses you learned as a little child?!?!?! Why now? I think that is why they say that the Word is ALIVE and it endures from generation to generation to generation!  God knows exactly when a piece of His word will become ALIVE to us, become APART of us, and impact our lives in a POWERFUL way! So I am excited to say that I will be sharing my journey of revelation with you in a series!  Let’s just say, I am on Psalm 23 OVERLOAD…SMILE!!! I am meditating and regurgitating and meditating some more. I’m asking questions, I am wrestling with what this passage really means for my life…right now…and I am not just thinking about myself, but how do I share such richness with you all.   

Lord, speak to us and through us. Open our eyes, ears, and hearts to receive this Word in a right, dynamic, transformative way. In Jesus Name we pray…Amen!

Over this series, I plan to share with you all of the resources that helped me understand this foundational verse just a bit more. Thank you in advance for tagging along and I look forward to the awesome dialogue that will develop as we “lean in”… verse by verse, precept by precept. Click on the links below to access each blog.

With Love,


Part 1 – Verse 1 – MY Shepherd

Part 2 – Verses 2 & 3 – Safety in My Shepherd’s Arms

Other Resources of Inspiration

Song – Safe in His Arms by Vicki Winans

Song – Psalm 23 by People & Songs

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